Your Partner in business
Flydubai : Map of connections
Map of connections

The key routes served by flydubai in connection with flights from Cracow are apart from Dubai, Kathmandu, Zanzibar, Colombo, Delhi, Bombay and Kilimanjaro.

Full network of flydubai connections available at the link below:
Our consultants are fully prepared to provide top quality services.
The INTAIR Office is open from Monday to Friday at 9.00 – 17.00.
We invite you to contact us by the contact form, mail or phone.
ul. Koszykowa 69/5
00-667 Warszawa

NIP 767-130-39-90
mail: [email protected]
tel.: 0048 22 559 39 30
fax: 0048 22 559 39 38

GSA – airBaltic
mail: [email protected]
tel.: 0048 22 559 39 33

GSA – flydubai
mail: [email protected]
tel.: 0048 22 559 39 34

GSA – Ural Airlines
mail: [email protected]
tel.: 0048 22 559 39 31
mapka dojazdu
INTAIR office, located at ul. Koszykowa 69/5
(1st staircase on the right, 2nd floor)
Contact Form
If you have any questions please contact us using
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